
Table of Contents


This guide is meant to cover the expected triggering cadence that will be used to generate test data for the layer product reports.


We will trigger on a weekly cadence. Specifically 6:00UTC on Mondays for self-managed OCP pre-GA testing. Rosa-sts-hypershift testing runs at 10:00 UTC on Mondays.

OpenShift Build

We will be testing using nightly OpenShift pre-GA builds. Within the config files we specify the version of OCP by doing the following.

      product: ocp
      stream: nightly
      version: "4.14"

Weekly Trigger Job

In order to allow the interop program to manage which scenarios are active/inactive on a weekly basis we needed to go beyond trigging each scenario using its cron value in the config.

Our trigger mechanism is now an independent job that will read a file from vault and trigger only those jobs which are set to active: true using the gangway API.

Cron Config

Now that we control when to run the scenario with the weekly trigger above, we needed to stop using the cron in the scenario config to trigger the weekly testing.

  • We cannot simply remove the cron as that would make the job a pre-submit job rather then a periodic.

  • We cannot just set the cron value to a date that doesn't exist or far into the future.

  • We have settled on setting the cron to run once per year during company shutdown.

    • So each scenarios cron value should be as you see below.

- as: {layered_product}-interop-aws
  cron: 0 6 25 12 *

Gangway API

There is now functionality in OpenShift CI for jobs to be manually triggered using an API. This API is named Gangway and it is very easy to add to a scenario and to use.

How to Add Gangway API Triggering to a Scenario

The Gangway API functionality is now built into all jobs automatically in OpenShift CI so we no longer have to add specific code to our configs and jobs.

Here is the PR that was used to remove what was previously needed by jobs to support the API.

How to Trigger a Job Manually


At the time of writing this, only a few people have access to the API key in Vault. This may change, but if you do not have access, ask Adam, Caleb, Badre, or Chetna to execute the API command using the key if you need a manual rerun.

  1. Open the OpenShift CI Vault and login using OIDC

  2. Navigate to kv/cspi-qe/gangway-api and copy the token value

  3. Execute the following command in a command prompt, replacing the values below appropriately:

    • **OCPCI-JOB-NAME** = The prow job name of the scenario you'd like to run. This can be found in the openshift/release repository under ci-operator/jobs/..... It is also the same value as the job name that shows in TestGrid or Sippy

    • **TOKEN** = The token value found in step 2

    curl -X POST -d '{"job_execution_type": "1"}' -H "Authorization: Bearer **TOKEN**"**OCPCI-JOB-NAME**

    The command above should return something like this:

    "id": "f0d18d2f-eb7c-11ed-88e0-0a580a81022a",
    "job_name": "**OCPCI-JOB-NAME**",
    "job_type": "PERIODIC",
    "job_status": "TRIGGERED",
    "gcs_path": ""
  4. To check the status of a job, execute the following command prompt, replacing the values below appropriately:

    • **TOKEN** = The token value found in step 2

    • **RUN_ID** = The value of the id key in the API response above.

    curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer **TOKEN**"**RUN_ID**

    The command above shoudl return something like this:

     "id": "f0d18d2f-eb7c-11ed-88e0-0a580a81022a",
     "job_name": "",
     "job_status": "SUCCESS",
     "gcs_path": ""

Last updated